Friday, September 10, 2010


Alex was in bed not eating nor drinking for about 36 hours before we left for the hospital early this morning.  He got some fluids intraevenously while we waited for the blood work results.  Turned out his haemoglobin was ok at 101.  That would be a bit low for you or me but is pretty good for him.

So why was he so down and out?  Medicine is often a process of elimination, we eliminated a number of things but didn't come up with a firm answer.  Sometimes it's just that way, a combination of a lot of things.  Makes you feel a bit useless.  And it's funny how three or four hours at the hospital seems almost normal!   

He's a bit better now, a little brighter, but still hasn't eaten anything.  Certainly the fluid probably made him feel a bit better.   Tough sledding right now but this is all part of the process.

Hope you all have a good weekend.

Good luck to those riding in the Gran Fondo tomorrow.  Carb up!

Oh, if you want to join our NFL pool (it's $105 for the year, last season weekly prizes were about $400 and the first place season prize was about $1400), drop me an email.