Thursday, September 16, 2010

If This is Wednesday, This Must be BCCH

(Well, it's Thursday, I know, but I didn't get this posted last night but I wrote the bulk of it then.)

We were at the hospital bright and early.  Too bright and early as it turned out.  I had the appointment down for 7:15 a.m., they had it down as 8:30.  The evidence, they say,  points convincingly that this was completely my error, not theirs.  A key point to their flimsy and spurious argument is that the nurses don't even start work until 8:00 and that they never book appointments before 8.  I remain unconvinced and continue to research my defense and search for the real killer.

Alex was not impressed.

So we waited around for a while and things got underway around 8, vitals, weight, height, blood work. 

Then we waited some more and it was not until about 10:15 when Alex got his lumbar punture followed by a shot of vincristine.  Yum.

Then we waited for the  Respiratory Technician to answer his page.  Once a month Alex gets a drug called Pentamidine.  This is used as a prophylactic in chemotherapy patients to prevent them from getting a particularly nasty type of pneumonia called pneumocyctis pneumonia or PCP.  You don't want to get that.  The drug is inhaled.  They hook up a ventilator type thing, I don't know much about bongs but same principal I guess, and you breathe the stuff in through a tube, takes fifteen or twenty minutes, depending on how fast you breathe I guess and on how often you stop.  It apparently has a nasty taste.  Alex had been looking forward to this for days.  Not!

Turns out the RT's pager was broken and he didn't realize it.  Just thought he was having a quiet day.  Anyway he got there eventually, nice guy, they are all so good at BCCH, and Alex inhaled his way through the stuff.  Done for another month.

I think we were home by 1:30 or so.  Another day at the office.  

Alex ate a bit and drank a bit and was happy to be home.