Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I'm online trying to do some work stuff, answering some emails.  The markets are strong and bonds have actually gone down, I was beginning to think they only went up!  

The drip comes out but they leave the line in Alex's VAD as we will back each of the next three days.  When we return tomorrow, Friday and Saturday they will administer the Ara-C through that line and remove it Saturday.

One of the senior nurses comes in, clocks that we are all finished and heads out to track down the doctor so we can get out of there.  We go into a private office and talk with Dr. P. for about half an hour about this and that, school, moving to London in January, managing nausea and the like.

It's past just past 11 when we finish.  Alex is lying flat - they want you to do that for at least an hour after an LP, but preferably as much as you can over the next 48 hours.  You don't have to but the more you do, the better.  It also reduces the chance of getting an LP headache.  And if you do - the prescription is a glass of Coke.  I kid you not.  They have found that in teenagers the caffeine and sugar in the coke really helps with headaches.  We've tried it, it does.

We can go.  He's not going to say it but I'm pretty sure Alex is worried about gettting sick on the car ride home.  He doesn't.

On to the couch, TV on.  Doesn't want anything.  Says he doesn't feel good.  I take him a glass of Gatorade anyway.