Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The spinal tap is finished, the chemo injected into the spine.  They wheel Alex out on a gurney into a nearby room.  He is a bit goofy from the sedatives, seeing double which he finds funny  He has to wait for at least an hour, lying flat.  He is allowed to eat and drink now but doesn't want anything.  A nurse transfers the DVD from the procedure room to the room he's in and he picks up where they left the

Cynthia stays with Alex and I duck out  to the on campus Starbucks (they're everywhere aren't they) and grab a fast coffee with a researcher I know here.  She's great and doing some cool work but our chat is brief, I need to get back, don't want to miss seeing the doctor.

Alex's nurse comes back into the room to give Alex his Ara-C.  It takes seconds to administer.  The treatment for the day is all finished now, we could leave but we are waiting to see his primary doctor.  They leave the saline drip going.  Fortunately Avatar is a long movie.  Alex still doesn't want anything to eat or drink.