Wednesday, October 13, 2010


The last update was late Friday night.  On Saturday we got to sleep in a little as we only had to be at the hospital at 10.  On Saturdays, we go into the ward known as "3B" as the outpatient clinic is closed on weekends.  It was pretty quick and we were home before noon if I remember correctly.  Considering he had just had four consecutive days of Ara-C, Alex was pretty good.  There is a huge relief factor that it's all over with, offset by the reality of the physical toll that it takes over the next several days.  It was also, I believe, Ara-C treatment number 16 out of 16.  Well done, Alex.  All told, we had a pretty good Saturday, Alex stayed up when we got home and ate fairly decently.

Very early Sunday morning Alex was throwing up.  Reality strikes back.

By late morning though, he was up and in a great mood and we had another very good day.  Cynthia and all the kids sans Alex went to our friend Janice's house for dinner.  I left Alex on his own and drove Samantha over and spent an hour or so there as well - there's nothing particularly interesting about that other than Alex was so good, it seemed perfectly normal for him to be alone for an hour or two - that would have seemed so unlikely just days earlier. 

Around midnight I remembered that I still had to brine the turkey.  Much Fred Flintstone like cursing and muttering.

Monday, Thanksgiving, was even better.  Probably the best, all round, Alex has seemed since this whole thing started.  He ate really well, played videogames with our outstanding friend Nicky and seemed, well, like Alex.  He even quietly suggested that this year, pointing to a recipe in the Joy of Cooking bible that was lying open on the counter, I might try making the sausage and apple stuffing, instead of the "usual kind you make."    I wasn't offended.  Much.

I made the turkey and gravy and Cynthia and Deb did everything else.  Great deal.  They arrived about 5 and we had a small sized group for dinner.  We would have liked to have had a bigger crowd but didn't want to push our luck.  It was great fun.  All the kids were running around and playing boisterously, very nice to see.  Boys being rambunctious.  At one point I saw Alex coming from downstairs with this giant, six foot, inflatable baseball bat he got somewhere, presumably with the intention of using it.  'Hey!  Put that down!"

"Isn't it great he's well enough to get into trouble?" said Cynthia.  Yeah, actually.  "Put that down!"

Three Good to Outstanding days in a row.  Wow.  Some light at the end of the tunnel far in the distance?  Maybe,  not sure.

Thank you Debbie and huge thanks to Cynthia for everything.

Thanksgiving 2010, that's a wrap.