Friday, October 15, 2010


Back to the hospital we went this morning.  Alex had blood taken and then we sat on our thumbs waiting for the results.  His platelets came back at 31 which is pretty borderline on whether to transfuse or not.  After some consultations it was decide not to transfuse platelets today but that we should watch Alex closely over the weekend for any obvious signs like a nosebleed and not so obvious unless your looking, like petechiae - little purple spots on the skin.  And no knife juggling.

So the good news was it was a relatively short day, the so-so news is that we have to back on Monday to check the platelets, which it is hoped will have turned up by then.  And all these trips are getting tiresome! Then back Wednesday for the regularly scheduled chemo.

Alex has rebounded from the treatments of forty-eight hours ago.  He was in bed all day yesterday but ate and drank a little late in the day.  Today he is visibly much better (his haemoglobin was 102, one feels much better at that level than 70 something) and he is feeding again.

The sun is shining, the weekend is almost upon us and we hope the line on the graph has turned up.  Always appreciate your emails, thank you.