Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Been Hangin' Around ...

Been hanging around
This town
For way, way too long
- Counting Crows

We had an okay night I guess, a lot better than the one before that.  The trouble with hospitals is they're always pretty noisy and coming in to take blood at 4 in the morning and things like that but we did get some sleep.  

The last time we were here I had a pretty good fold up bed to sleep on.  This time it was more of a cot - in fact I think it was last used in the Korean War by the real Hawkeye Pierce.  (Where's the still?)  The mattress looked a bit dodgy so I wrapped it in about four sheets which also had the effect of increasing it's thickness by half.  Not complaining, I love camping.

Alex feels quite a bit better and seems bored.  His blood counts are pretty low but trending up. We are hopeful that we will be allowed to go home today.  The docs are saying probably tomorrow.  They want to see Alex drinking well and eating a bit before we go.  We're nodding agreeably now but will make our case more strenuously this afternoon ... when they're tired, heh heh ... 

Feel a bit like a zombie, not because of fatigue but sometimes things seem so surreal.  Weird.

And how do they get all hospital food to smell the same?  In every hospital?  It's like this smell of ... mediocre gravy.  Are people having gravy on breakfast?

We've been hanging around this place (wonderful as it is, truly) too much and too long.

 Thanks to those who emailed to tell us where to find the Canucks game.  

Elvis Costello's new album is out today.  The reviews have been terrific.  I'm downloading it now.