Sunday, November 28, 2010

Saturday ...

... came and went.

Not much changed.  The morphine was gradually turned up to combat the pain and seems to be properly dialed in now.  Alex wasn't very comfortable but the pain is a tolerable 2 on the old 0 to 10 scale.  These are pretty modest doses of morphine - he's not stoned or dopey from it or anything.  He slept a fair bit and we watched the early hockey games.  Montreal won - and Toronto lost-  which made me happy.  He drank a little glass of powerade which made me foolishly pleased but sad at the same time that something so trivial ... isn't.  We sure take a lot for granted  in our daily lives.

This morning he is perhaps a touch brighter and says while the pain in his throat is still there, it feels like it's  in a smaller area. We're going to watch the Grey Cup.  Montreal is favoured by three and a half. Hard to believe Calvillo has been to eight Grey Cups.  I know it's the CFL but has any athlete in any sport ever been to the championship game or series eight times?  Quite remarkable.