We got home mid-day Thursday and it was so great! Once we were settled in, I went to bed and drooled into a pillow, it was dark when I woke up. Alex was up the whole time and doing really well. He came downstairs to sit with everyone for dinner and while he only ate a little, it was just fantastic.
Friday was great too although my brain felt like mush. Alex was great, eating and drinking and seemed to be handling coming off the morphine very well. At about 5:30 though he threw up. This was half an hour before his next dose was due and I put it down as probably being due to that, he had no temperature and seemed pretty good other than a quick barf. He had the morphine and some other medications he takes regularly and seemed fine, but tired and wanted to sleep. I sat with him, reading while he slept.
At 9:30 he woke up and was sick again. As soon as I touched him I knew there was a problem, he was really hot. 38.7 the thermometer said.
So we he had to come back to Emerg last night. We got there a little after 10 p.m. and by 3 a.m. we were back in the confines of "2B" where we are as I write this.
Alex 's bloodwork when we got to Emerg showed a sky high white blood cell count 21 or 22 or something and his neutrophils were 19.9. This and a temperature are classic signs of an infection. In the car on the ride in though Alex developed a pain in his low right side which intensified as time went on. This raised the real possibility of appendicitis so at 2 a.m. we were in the bloody xray room for pictures of his abdomen. In the meantime he got some heavy duty IV antibiotics.
He also developed incredible pain in both calves, so painful that he couldn't walk for a while. And Alex has a very high pain threshold.
The pain in his side has all but disappeared this morning and the calves are much, much better as well. The temperature disappeared and is normal.
We sit and await the doctors' verdict.
We're not happy. My primary emotion today is anger which I am having to keep a tight grip on.
Alex just wants to go home and have a shower.