Monday, December 13, 2010

Home Again ...

... and hopefully for more than a night this time.

Cynthia takes issue with the last entry. She says that she lived a different experience than the somewhat casual, relaxed one portrayed there, particularly leading up to the surgery.  There may be some truth to this.  It was pretty tough, and when someone is under anaesthetic and being operated on, it can be a little nerve wracking.  Particularly when you start to think  " ...what if it's not appendicitis, what if they find something else!"

Recovery times for standard appendectomies  are now about 12 to 24 hours so we had brief fantasies of getting home last night.  Alex had a fair bit of pain yesterday afternoon, which drugs eventually brought to heel but I was worried about his legs.  He still had a lot of pain when he tried to stand and walking wasn't quite possible.  As the night wore on, he got better at standing up beside his bed, but I wasn't sure.

There was a baby in the room next to us for both nights and this poor fellow was in great distress and cried frequently and loudly for what seemed like hours at a time.  Hard to be annoyed but it didn't make sleeping any easier.

This morning was great.  Alex woke up slowly but by 10 or so he was eating cereal and drinking well, making jokes and in a superb mood.  And he could walk! Actually, all round, he was the best he's been in probably the last three weeks. Most of the doctors stopped by, I think mostly out of curiosity -  "Seriously, Alex, you had appendicitis? Dude!"  

About 11 we found out we could go home but it took a couple of hours of messing around, then waiting for some drugs to go and  a few trips to the car to carry all our crap out (it's amazing what you accumulate in two days - Cynthia keeps bringing it - pillows, pajamas, crates of beer etc.) and it ended up being about four o'clock by the time we got home.

But home we are and .... aaaaaaaaaaaaah!