Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Very Disappointing Day

How quickly things turn sometimes.  Alex was so good yesterday, eating, drinking, laughing, almost normal.  Even saying he wanted to go to the Canucks game on Saturday.

Unfortunately since the early hours of this morning he has not been well at all.  The morphine was gradually reduced over the previous 36 hours but it looks like it has left him with some fairly significant withdrawal symptoms.  He's not eating or drinking, sweaty without a fever, nausea, the list goes on. Restlessness is another symptom and he didn't sleep much through the night.  A mild sedative has helped him sleep a bit this afternoon but he is very uncomfortable.

I made a mistake yesterday, getting too "up."  And I should know better. The trick is to stay level and not get too happy about the good days because otherwise you'll really crash on the bad days.


I think our Wednesday release is unlikely now.

Thanks for the emails.