Sunday, April 10, 2011

Recent Email

From: (Rockridge Counsellor)
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 11:06 AM
To: (Rockridge Teachers)
Cc: Cynthia Miles; Paul Balfour; Phys Ed
Subject: alex balfour

Hello teachers of Alex,

Alex will be beginning his year at Rockridge, after undergoing treatment for Leukemia since July.  I have met with his parents, and our goal is to have him integrate into his classes gradually.  We will start with morning classes only for the first week or 2, and will see how he does.  He will begin on Monday, shadowing a friend, then will begin his own classes on Tuesday.

He has been working with a tutor and (xxx)  (Home and Hospital) on math, science and a bit of English.  For now, he will audit his classes (tests and quizzes will be for practice only for the first 2 weeks) to get his body used to the new demands.
Alex is a bright kid, who should be able to pick up the material, but the doctors say that he may not have the stamina to participate fully at the beginning.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, and feel free to contact Paul (father) or Cynthia Miles (Vince mom) at the addresses above.

Thanks everyone,


Rockridge Secondary School